Monday, May 11, 2009

Trike-a-Thon Success


The trike-a-thon was a big success. LP happened to be snack helper and leader that day, so she got to start of the event as the first rider. Miss Marianne was smart about it, she waited until LP and Mackenzie got the hang of staying outside the cones and going in a circle before letting in a few more kids at a time, and they were pretty good about following the rules. There were definitely a few collisions and even a couple of tumbles off some of the tricycles, but the kids enjoyed every minute. They rode for the full 30 minutes, I lost count of LP's laps but she never stopped riding (except to pose for pictures with Marianna). After the ride she was very proud of having worked hard to raise money to give to sick kids. And I was very proud of her.






Jumpin J's Mom said...

Great Job, LP!!!

Unknown said...

Way to Go Princess !

Keep on Trike-ing ..... hope you had the best time with all of your friends.


Buby + Bleu said...

She looks SO cute. I love it. Congrats on the success.

Corie said...

So awesome!!!