Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Police Gear

Before I met Lilypad Dad I never thought I'd shop for gun holsters, bulletproof vests, or uniforms. Now that has just become a part of my life. And a special flashlight is Lilypad Dad's go-to gift whenever someone graduates from the academy, so I've started looking for online police supply stores that have a good variety of items and good prices.

LAPoliceGear.com is one site that I have found. They have tactical gear, from many different makers so you can find the one you like if you have a favorite. I'll be looking here the next time someone graduates from the academy, or if Lilypad Dad manages to break another gunbelt!

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1 comment:

allison said...

Someone in my family gives out flashlights every year for Christmas. It's become a joke, but somebody always does it. LP's Dad would fit right in with us. Hmmm, my family is all fire dept and my go-to gift is a St. Florian medal for inside their helmet. And for my brother's graduation from the academy, we gave him 2 St. Michael medals (one for each of his stetsons). I'm glad you know where to shop for gunbelts!