Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day


LP's school was closed today for a snow day and it was just the two of us. After a lazy early morning, we filled the afternoon with fun and memories. Here is a photo essay of how we spent our snow day. (click on any photo to see larger)

Eating SnowCatching SnowflakesThrowing SnowballsLoving the snow day
eating snow, catching snowflakes, throwing snowballs, playing in the snow

SleddingSnow ReindeerSnow ReindeerSledding
trying to sled down our little hill, building a snow reindeer (she did this all by herself while I was shoveling the stairs)

Eating SnowMax's first experience with snow
bringing some of the snow indoors to enjoy with syrup and give the cats their first experience with snow


Making cookiesCookies and Vanilla Ice Cream
baking cookies and making cookie sundaes

Snow Day DessertA Charlie Brown Valentine special
enjoying those sundaes while watching A Charlie Brown Valentine, cuddled up on the couch together


Anonymous said...

Erika, you ar THE BEST mommie in the make me very proud.

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Unknown said...

Forgot to thank you for all the pictures. We enjoy them so much. Makes us feel a little that we are sharing in your day with you and Princess. Even when we just spend our time enjoying them and forget to leave a comment :-) we still want you to know you are making our day.