Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Bedtime Story

Disney World is still very fresh in LP's mind. Each night before bed she tells me about the trip. Tonight as I was getting ready to put her to bed, she told me the following story.

"I go on the rollercoaster and I go AGHHH!"
"Then we go on the magic carpet and we go up in the air."
"The camel spit on mommy and daddy."
"The brooms splash water on me."
"Donald took Mickey's hat but it's too big."
"We have to take Mickey's hat back. Can we go back to Mickey's house today? Please momma?"

And each day she tells me about the Dumbo ride. The only ride that we waited in line for more than 20 minutes and all she talks about is that she wanted the blue one to match her dress, but the boy wouldn't let her ride the blue one so we had to ride the green one.


Buby + Bleu said...

Love it! Priceless.

allison said...

It makes perfect sense to her. I think it's the best. Watch out for the camel.