Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Little Fish

Lilypad Princess is taking a much needed nap today after another day at preschool and swim class. Today she spent the entire class with just a #2 bubble on. Last week we attempted the 2 bubble for the first time, but she was very tired after 10 minutes so we went back to the 3 for the rest of class. Today she would grab onto me for about 15-30 seconds at a time to catch a quick rest, but then would swim away on her own again. I am so proud of her, she is really becoming quite the little fish!


Buby + Bleu said...

I'm super impressed with LP in the pool! She's a crazy good swimmer. Buby just moved to a #3 bubble a few weeks ago, and we went back to #4 today since he was really tired before swim class. Keep up the good work LP. You'll be bubbleless in no time!

allison said...

Wow...she really IS a little fish. Good for her to take the water so well. She's quite an athlete.