Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First Flowers of Spring

First Flowers of Spring

While Lilypad Princess was out playing Easter Sunday she discovered the first flowers of spring in our yard. There are some delicate little white ones, and these beautiful little purple ones popping up all over the yard. Lilypad Princess ran from one flower to the other, checking out each one.

I love seeing these first hints of color in an otherwise still brown, dead-looking yard. It is the first sign that life is coming back, and the yard will soon be full of bright, beautiful colors.

Easter First Flowers of Spring


Jumpin J's Mom said...

Jumpin J really misses LP. We are so glad she had a great weekend!!! She's growing up so fast. Jumpin J was looking at a picture of LP when she was about his age and he couldn't grasp that it was LP when she was a baby. I guess that's too much for a 10 month old ;) Hope we can get together soon!!!

Corie said...

Oooh, nothing better than when spring flowers start to peek out!

Curiosity Killer said...

Awwww~ that's such a sweet moment to blog about. Her first flower for spring.

allison said...

I love those first Spring flowers. Your yard has great flowers. Won't be long now...

Buby + Bleu said...

What a dress! It's so sweet and cool at once. Almost a throwback to the 60s. I'm jealous you have flowers. We're still waiting.

PumpkinsMom said...

There is nothing better than seeing the flowers pop up after a cold winter. We have a great view of the mountains surrounding our house and I love to watch the green slowly spread up the mountainsides each spring.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Wish that I could have 'wildflowers' in my yard like this...