How nice would it be to have a massage chair in your house? After a tough workout you just head home and let the chair work out all the sore spots? Human Touch makes a line of massage chairs for your home, I'd love to have one in our house.
The human touch™ massage system mimics known therapeutic massage techniques used by spinal and back care professionals and delivers unrivaled massage chair performance across a wide number of dimensions:
-Penetrating, deep massage mimics the popular main techniques of massage professionals: kneading, rolling, compression, and percussion (see below for additional details)
- A full body massage from top to bottom that moves in all three dimensions and traces the shape of your body as well as your spine.
- Choice of automatic programs allows you to choose the massage that best suits you. From the easy to use remote you can select different massage techniques, strengths of the massages and customize the parts of the body that should be massaged.
The massage techniques you can choose from include compression, kneading, rolling, percussion, foot massage and calf massage.
They have a range of different styles to fit your decor and price range. They also have a massage pad to use on desk chairs, ottomans for just foot and calf massages, and more. You can buy directly through Human Touch or through their licensed dealers, such as Circuit City, Sharper Image and Linens and Things.
For more information, visit the Human Touch Massage Chairs website.
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I could use one of these things right now.
Tom says there's a great massage chair at Rite Aid right now... so if you're ever driving by.
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