Why my daddy is the best, by Lilypad Princess
He shares his cereal with me.
He lets me ride on his shoulders when I'm tired of walking.
He chases me like a monster.
He lets me help fix things with my tools.
He takes me swimming.
He lets me wake him up by jumping on his tummy.
He gives me piggy back and horsey rides.
He pushes me really high in the swing.
He plays the Beast so well.
He gives me big hugs and kisses.
Happy father's day Daddy, I love you!
Happy Father's Day LP's Dad!! This is a beautiful photo. He's such a cool dad.
Hope you had a very Happy Father's Day with your little Princess.
You are one of the best Daddys I have known. You have so much patience with your little girl and you always make time for anything she needs. You are a "hands-on Dad" of the very best kind.
You are an amazing man because you do it all so well.... father, husband and especially Son-in-Law.
We are so lucky to have you.
Love, Mom and Steven
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