We all had a great time at the zoo today. We had perfect weather, almost all of the animals were awake and it seemed like we saw most of feeding time so they were active, and it was the perfect sized zoo for a 2 year old to walk around. Here is a photo essay of our day.

Lilypad Princess was so excited to get to the zoo today. She was talking about it all morning, telling us about all of the animals she wanted to see. By the time we made it in the gate she wasn't waiting anymore, she grabbed Nana and PopPop by the hands and dragged them off in search of the animals.

The first animals we found were the elephants. They were on LP's list of animals we had to see (especially since we missed them when we went to the zoo with daddy) but I don't think she knew just how big they would be in person. She wasn't too comfortable being so close, until PopPop picked her up to keep her safe.

Right across from the elephants were the giraffes. LP was much more comfortable with them and we spent quite a few minutes watching them eat and walk around.

At the lions, LP was worried about her Nana. She kept telling her to shhh, "don't wake the sleeping lion Nana!"

Near the lions was a display of big cat footprints. LP had a great time following the tracks and trying to find the big cat footprint that matched her hand.

After we saw half of the zoo, we took an animal break and LP spent about an hour or so playing on the playground.

We stopped to have a little snack while watching the meerkats. This one kept trying to get LP's attention in the window. I think he wanted her cheerios.

The rainforest exhibit was one of my favorites, I loved all the little monkeys and the little frogs.

We had to wait a little while to finally get on the train since one of them had some mechanical problems, but the ride around the zoo was alot of fun (and a nice way to rest our feet for a couple of minutes).

The carousel was the hit of the day. She took six rides on it all together. It's a good thing she doesn't get motion sick going around and around.

She took a couple of rides on other animals when she had to, but the zebra was her favorite of the day. She especially enjoyed looking in the mirror as she went up and down.

And she's out. I bet that she would be out before we'd even been in the car 3 minutes, but I lost. She fell asleep before we even found the car and didn't wake up as I strapped her in.
Love Love Love the zoo pics! My favorite things: LP's expression in the first photo, the giraffes (looks like a postcard), her cargo pants (those are cool!!!), how old she looks heading into the zoo with her nana and pop, and the photo of mom and daughter on the train (it's so cute!). Is that blue frog for real??
I love all of these photos! That blue sky looks amazing and I'll bet the warm weather feels so good right now. I love the picture of you and LP...sweet happiness. I'm so glad you're sharing these photos while on your vacation!
That looks like a lot of fun!
I can't wait till the weather is warmer here and I'd be willing to spend a day outside at the zoo.
Yup, the blue frog is real. They were so tiny and beautiful, there were also some bright green ones.
The weather out here is so strange, it was in the 40's today after the 70's the other day.
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