Before I shop online, I always check for online coupon codes. is a good site to find special deals on just about anything you could be looking for. You can search or look for coupons by store if you know exactly where you will be shopping from, or you can browse by category if you know what you want to buy, but don't know where to buy it from.
They have major online retailers like and lots of small companies that I may not have heard of before but have gotten great deals at. With Valentine's Day coming up, I thought I'd take a look and see if any of my favorite sites are listed.
For Lilypad Princess: I want to get her a book or two about Valentine's Day. We have Christmas and Halloween books, and we both enjoy having special ones to read about the holidays. The coupon code, Barnes & Noble coupon code, or coupon codes will be perfect for that.
For Lilypad Dad: I'm not sure what I'm going to get him yet, and even once I know I won't be able to post here because he sometimes jumps on to read what I've written. But I know there are a couple of things that he likes to "window shop" online, and if I can just figure out which he likes best, the coupon codes will definitely come in handy!
For me: There are alot of Circuit City coupon codes. I need to purchase a new webcam so that LP can talk to her Nana and PopPop, hopefully there will be a useful one there when I actually take a look at them all.
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1 comment:
My parents just got me the Rocketfish web cam for my birthday so my mom can see Buby when we talk on the phone. I still have to install it, but I think others in the fam are getting the same one now. Love the technology!!
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